On Monday (26 February), we will be entering into a two-week engagement period with patients about the branding of our practices. It is important that we get as much feedback on this from as many patients, staff and stakeholders as we can, and we value all of your views.
As Northumbria Primary Care has grown, we understand the need for a consistent and identifiable brand across all of our practices. We have created three options for patients to feedback on.
- Option 1 – all GP practices would have the same logo
- Option 2 – GP practices would retain an individual logo – please note that some of the individual logos below may change and we are engaging on the overall branding option as part of this process, not individual logos
- Option 3 – this option combines options one and two, using a standardised logo for all practices but retaining individual logos as part of the overall brand
As part of the engagement, each practice will text a link to their patients showing them the options and giving them the chance to complete a short online survey to give feedback. This survey will be available as a hard copy in each practice. We will also be gathering feedback from patients and wider stakeholders via our external digital channels, Northumbria Healthcare’s Have Your Say platform and in person at a number of our sites. We will link in with practice leads to ensure they know when we are going to be at their practice.
To provide us with your feedback, please click here.
The engagement period will close on Monday 11 March. We will then compile the feedback we have received and present the results to NPC board in mid-March where a final decision will be made.
If you have any questions about this, please contact Cara Charlton at cara.charlton@northumbria-healthcare.nhs.uk or 07812 389 963.
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